
We are proud to use locally sourced Irish linen to create all of our Tiny Kind pieces. With sustainability being at the forefront of our process, we love that we don’t have to travel far to get the best quality linen in the world.

We are also passionate about seeing Ireland’s linen industry come alive again and would love our kids to grow up with a knowledge and appreciation of that history.

We hope that if we open these conversations when they are little, they will become big people who make good and considered choices around the things they buy.

Linen’s ability to absorb water and conduct heat makes it one of the most comfortable and breathable material for our kids to wear. These properties make it wearable in all seasons keeping you cool in the summer, and conducting heat in cooler months.


Flourish NI

We are so honoured to partner with Northern Irish charity, Flourish NI. Flourish do a very important work of providing long term aftercare support for survivors of human trafficking. We will be donating 10% of our profits to providing learning resources for the kids of families who Flourish support.